Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dangerous Jobs

To most of us, getting out of our warm comfy beds and climbing into our cars in order to battle the traffic on the way to work is the most dangerous part of our jobs. But what about those people that find the drive to work the least dangerous part of their work day?

Deep Sea fishing is the most dangerous job in not only the UK but in the world. This job is so dangerous that approximately fifty two individuals die each and every year. Many individuals choose this profession simply because of the fantastic pay packets involved, however the pay packets correspond directly with the amount of danger involved in doing this job. The other consideration is that signing up is one thing, but once you are actually out there, you can't change your mind. You are out there and working until such time as the ship turns back to port. It's a good idea to consider this profession long and hard before boarding that ship and heading out to sea. You are bound for the roughest waters and the most volatile conditions. Even if you are an expert swimmer, your chances of surviving an accident at sea as a deep sea fisherman are slim. This is especially true if you are a crab fisherman.


The next on the list is a bomb squad technician or a land mine remover. In this particular job, you may not think the pay matches the danger level. These individuals risk both life and limb in order to defuse arms and explosives. They even risk going into war zones where they are just as likely to be killed by the enemy as they are by the device they are trying to defuse. This may be an honourable job, but it's not an easy one. You'll need to have plenty of guts and a lightning quick reaction time if you wish to hold this position for any length of time.

Dangerous Jobs

The construction worker has the next most dangerous job. In this position, it is not unlikely that you will be injured and it's a strong possibility that you may die, especially if you are involved in high rise commercial construction. This is an inherently dangerous occupation because it not only deals with heavy equipment; it also deals with heavy materials, power tools and high places. All of these together and coupled with the possibility of human error make this an incredibly dangerous occupation, especially for those that are not nimble and alert. Unlike deep sea fishermen; however, you can back out of this position at any time, should you decide that it just isn't for you. With the 2012 Olympics right around the corner, it is estimated that the accident rate will go up dramatically as the work commences for this world wide event.

Dangerous Jobs

This article was written by Tom Sangers on behalf of Claims for you who offer Accident Compensation Claims and other Injury Claims.

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